Tips and Tricks

Making salmon pizza at home with bread maker machine
Baking, Dinner, FIsh, International Cuisine, Italian Cuisine, Kitchen Equipment, Recipes, Tips and Tricks

How to Make Salmon Pizza with Bread Maker Machine

Making pizza is one of my favorite pass times at home. I love preparing unique and delicious food for my friends and family. And, you cannot order them from generic fast-food chains either. Take today’s recipe: salmon pizza with fresh dill and cheddar cheese. It is a different combination than the ones you see at […]

Turmeric and its anti-inflammatory health benefits
Asian Cuisine, Ingredients, Tips and Tricks, Vegetables

Reduce Inflammation with What you Eat – Meet Turmeric

Inflammation is a serious problem if it gets excessive in your body. Many people are unaware that it is the starting point of many severe diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease. The best way to manage this issue can be as simple as consuming anti-inflammatory foods and exercise regularly. What is inflammation? Inflammation […]