
Baking, Desserts, Recipes

Chocolate Mania Cake Recipe

Who can say no to an ultra-moist, extra chocolate-filled, vanilla-crazed cake? The combination of chocolate and vanilla is pure joy for most of us. There are plenty of alternatives out there. But sometimes, it just does not cut to bake that regular cocoa or devil’s food cake. You feel the urge for some deeper aroma […]

Baking, Recipes, Snacks

Butter Cookies Recipe

Butter cookies make everyone smile instantly. They are crispy, delicious, full of flavor, and insanely addictive with a hot cup of coffee! Maybe, they should be labeled as natural dopamine triggers. Most people enjoy these cookies during the holiday season. However, it is year-round fun for me, except maybe for the super-hot July and August. […]

Courses, Dinner, Greek Cuisine, International Cuisine, Lunch, Recipes, Soups and Stews, Turkish Cusine, Vegetables

Mediterranean Okra Stew

Here comes another traditional family recipe from my oldest notes; the Mediterranean Okra Stew. Sour and sweet, chewy and soft, the mighty okra, as we call it bamya, is a unique vegetable. Its taste always reminds me of lemon in a way, but it also has a grassy character. Not all vegetables are created equal […]


Stuffed Mushrooms – Quick Appetizer

Mushrooms always remind me of Smurfs and how they use them for shelter and food. Even their tiny houses resemble mushrooms. Gargamel probably does not know what he is missing out on, or maybe he is also after those mushrooms and covering it up with Smurfs. Inarguably, they must make the best stuffed mushrooms in […]